Home Search Results Jobs Consultancy Invitation for Bids For Procurement of Four Vehicles for RLRP-NPCU and SPCU
1 month ago

Invitation for Bids For Procurement of Four Vehicles for RLRP-NPCU and SPCU

Direct Employer

Invitation for Bids


Mogadishu, Somalia


Re: Vehicles for RLRP-NPCU and SPCU, WB&W/RLRP/2024/011

1.    The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Federal Government of Somalia has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and intends to apply a part of the proceeds of the financing to this purchase. The use of any IFAD financing shall be subject to IFAD’s approval, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the financing agreement, as well as IFAD’s rules, policies and procedures. IFAD and its officials, agents and employees shall be held harmless from and against all suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses and liability of any kind or nature brought by any party in connection with Rural Livelihoods Resilience Program (RLRP).

2.     The Rural Livelihoods Resilient Program (RLRP) includes to sustainably increase productivity, incomes and nutrition security and enhance resilience of rural smallholder families in Somalia. It aims to address the challenges underlying the fragility of the agricultural sector in Somalia, e.g. vulnerability to climate change, perpetuating severe water scarcity, violent conflicts leading to displacement of farmers and inadequate access to food, poor access to rural and agricultural production infrastructure and services, limited access to skills trainingthe Rural Livelihoods Resilience Program is an 8 years program (March 2024 – March 2032).

  1. This invitation for bids (IFB) follows the general procurement notice that on the IFAD website on November 2nd, 2024, on UNDB on November 2nd, 2024 and on the ministry of agriculture and irrigation’s Website on November 2nd, 2024.

  2. The purchaser now invites sealed bids from eligible entities (bidders) for the provision of Four Vehicles for RLRP-NPCU and SPCU as follows:

 Lot 1 Vehicle procurement ARMORED PICK-UP DOUBLE CABIN (4X4) and ARMORED STATION WAGON for the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Federal Government of Somalia;

Lot 2 Vehicle procurement PICK-UP DOUBLE CABIN (4X4) for Kismayo Port;

Lot 3 Vehicle procurement PICK-UP DOUBLE CABIN 4X4) for Shatigadud International Airport Baidoa.

5.    More details on these goods and related services are provided in the schedule of requirements in this bidding document.

6.     This IFB is open to all eligible bidders who wish to respond. Subject to restrictions noted in the bidding document, eligible entities may associate with other bidders to enhance their capacity to successfully carry out the procurement.

  1. The goods and related services, and the contract expected to be awarded, are divided into the following lots:  Lot 1 Vehicle procurement ARMORED PICK-UP DOUBLE CABIN (4X4) and ARMORED SATION WAGON for the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Federal Government of Somalia;

Lot 2 Vehicle procurement PICK-UP DOUBLE CABIN (4X4) for Kismayo Port;

Lot 3 Vehicle procurement PICK-UP DOUBLE CABIN 4X4) for Shatigadud International Airport Baidoa.

8.     Bidding will be conducted using the national competitive bidding (NCB) method, the evaluation procedure for which is described in this bidding document, in accordance with the IFAD Procurement Handbook which is provided at www.ifad.org/project-procurement. The NCB process, as described, will include a review and verification of qualifications and past performance, including a reference check, prior to the contract award.

9.     Please note that a pre-bid conference will not be held as described in the bid data sheet (BDS), Section III of the bidding document.

10.  Bidding documents can be obtained by sending an e-mail or letter, giving full contact details of the bidder, to the following point of contact. This will ensure that the bidders receive updates regarding this bidding document.


How to apply

Ahmed Mohamed Abyan

Procurement Specialist

Rural Livelihoods Resilience Program (RLRP)

Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation MOAI

Federal Government of Somalia

KM4 Street, Hodan, Mogadishu Somalia.

Email Address: procurement@rlrp.gov.so

Cc: aabyan@rlrp.gov.so

Cc: amuhumad@rlrp.gov.so

11. Bids must be delivered to the address and in the manner specified in the bid data sheet – instructions to bidders 23.2, no later than 10:00 AM 17/12/2024 Somalia local time.

12. Invitation for bids (IFB) will be delivered in person in hard copy, the packages should be clearly marked: REF: WB&W/RLRP/2024/012: Vehicles for Rural Livelihoods Resilience Program (RLRP) with reference No. of the specific Lot.

13.  Bidders shall be aware that late bids will not be accepted under any circumstance and will be returned unopened at the written request and cost of the bidder. All bids must be accompanied by a bid-securing declaration (as required) in the manner and amount specified in the bid data sheet.

14.  Please note that electronic bids shall not be accepted.

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