Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe. Office Somalia, based in Mogadishu, seeks to appoint auditors to audit their financial statements for the years 2024 – 2026
Tasks of the assignment:
Express an opinion whether the financial statements for the projects under consideration give a true and fair view of the assets, the financial position and the results of operations of the audited projects
In arriving at their opinion, they are required to consider the following matters and to report on them accordingly:
whether proper accounting records have been kept by the project holder
whether the project holder’s financial statement is in agreement with the accounting records and returns
whether funds from DKH were utilized in compliance with the purpose of the earmarking of funds.
whether the auditors have obtained all the information and explanations which they consider necessary for the purpose of their audit
Requirements at end of the assignment:
Auditor’s report/opinion including a compliance statement in respect of the earmarking of DKH funds
Audited financial statements of the projects under consideration
(balance sheet, income and expenditure account of the project holder, if relevant in the given context of the project)
(receipt and payment account / cash flow statement of the project including opening and closing balances of earmarked funds and a plan-actual comparison / variance report with the approved budget)
Management Letter (if relevant in the given context of the project)
(including comments on the implementation of previous year’s recommendations and new recommendations)
Notes to the accounts (if relevant in the given context of the project)
list of income/receipts according to origin/source
foreign currency transactions (incl. examination of exchange transactions)
list of all bank accounts in the Somalia and abroad
list and explanations of debts / accounts receivable related to debtors, amount, reason and time of emergence
list and explanation of liabilities related to creditors, amount, reason and time of emergence, incl. the balance of earmarked funds according to origin/purpose
statement on assets, in particular evidence of new acquisitions and the compliance with the DKH approval, if applicable (e.g. buildings, vehicles)
legal claims of staff to severance pay and retirement pensions
Required documents for application:
Experience in conducting audits in Somalia
Strong understanding and knowledge of national financial and tax regulations.
by laws or proof of legal status
last tax declaration / tax number
proof of membership at the national certified public accountant’s association
entitlement as public certified auditor
technical offer with proof of relevant experience in the field of humanitarian aid of the applicant and the staff in charge for the audit with maximum 50 pages
financial offer for the audits 2024, 2025 and 2026 without VAT in local currency, USD or Euro
If interested, please send your application by 13.12.2024 to tender.som@diakonie-katastrophenhilfe.de and in cc to audit@diakonie-katastrophenhilfe.de . Please avoid attachments of more than 15 GB and more than 50 pages.
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